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Specializing in the "NITE BITE"
Hello, Anglers,

Ready for action? Marathon is located in the Heart of the Florida Keys. The 7 Mile Bridges and channels west of Marathon, Fla. hold a variety of species to challenge your angling skill level and preference.

Whether it's the spectacular jumps of a frantic TARPON, vicious head shakes of a SNOOK in the spotlight, or a cooler packed with SNAPPER. All this fishing excitement can be found just MINUTES from the dock!

I am located at Captain Pips Porkys complex, mm 47.5. (just west of 15th st.) If sharks are your thing, we can do that too. Lemons...BIG Bulls...even Spinner sharks, and that most feared of creatures, the Hammerhead. Bring extra nerve for that monkey.

I have found over the years of fishing this diverse area that fishing at night is most productive, however fishing the current changes can be paramount. Because of all the factors involved it is sometimes necessary to fish some pretty silly hours of the tide. If someone in town tells you that the Tarpon bite is slow, smile, and say "well, should pick up on the next moon."

Depending on the type of fishing you choose, I will have what we need. Pinfish, Crabs, Mullet & Shrimp are the top producers, but the dark bite is what I do best. Anybody that knows me well will tell you that if I'm not working a lure when it's dark, we already landed a few nice fish.


I will tell you about my boat. It is a center console 23' T-Craft, powered by Mercury, with transom mounted livewells. I have never had a livewell pump fail because there are none. Never has been, never will be. The beam, (width) is 9.5' for plenty of space on deck. Low based comfortable fighting chairs that can be left on the dock on request. THINGS TO REMEMBER; Light jackets for cooler nights. Snacks and some drinks. (I provide ice) Fresh line on your favorite reel, if you choose to bring one. Sun protection! Bull frog sticks keep reels clean. Hats, deck shoes or sneakers. Sandals belong on the beach. Are you left handed, handicapped? All of this information in advanced helps insure "OPTIMUM BOAT SET UP"

Simply call (305) 849-0548 and let me know when you will be in town and what type of fishing you are interested in. APRIL-MAY-JUNE are very busy months for Tarpon, so call well in advance for booking. A deposit is required to hold the boat. In the event of bad weather, deposits are obviously refunded. Looking forward to seeing you on the dock. SINCERELY, CAPTAIN JEFF KNAPP. BECKONING SPORTFISHING copyright 2000